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Wildfires and powerlines

Posted by Charley Cormany, EFCA Executive Director Once again, California has been challenged by devasting and deadly wildfires ripping across the state. The Kincade fire raged out of control in Northern California, and multiple fires were burning in Southern California. All of the wildfires have one thing in common: plenty of dry fuel created by millions of dead trees after four years of drought. This year, PG&E decided to try a new approach to minimize damages from these fierce firestorms

Wildfires and powerlines

Posted by Charley Cormany, EFCA Executive Director California is under siege; our fall warm winds have turned into a vehicle for disaster. If you watch the national news, it appears that the end is near, and California will soon be the charred remains of what was once a vibrant and innovative region with natural beauty and diversity. To some, this might be a welcome development, as many people harbor animosity towards the golden state and its influence. As the birthplace