Homeowner looking for a Contractor? Check out the Clean Energy Connection

House utilizing electrification infographic

It’s amazing how many energy efficiency conferences and workshops have surfaced recently. The Redwood Energy Zero Net Energy Retreat, which takes place twice a year, is one of the best…

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Home with solar panels

Sean Armstrong is the Managing Principal of Redwood Energy, one of the nation’s leading ZNE design firms and an Efficiency First California board member. His argument for electrification is based on his extensive experience in multifamily housing.  The conventional wisdom is that when it comes to home heating, gas is cheap. So why is the trend toward building all-electric homes accelerating? It turns out that building an all-electric home actually costs at least $4,500 less than a gas-powered one, according

Project made of wood

This year, the Home Performance Coalition hosted it’s first annual TEDx event at its national conference in Philadelphia. The room was packed, the BYOB was flowing and the energy was…

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Group of building professionals

When you become a business owner you quickly learn the true cost and value of employees. Good ones are hard to find, especially in tight labor markets where there are…

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