Building Electrification Fundamentals 3 – Intro to BE Technologies
Course Description: The clean energy economy is upon us but what does that mean to you? Learn about the technologies utilized to turn your building into an efficient, clean and healthy space to live and work. This period of transition will utilize many different products and you will learn about how these technologies can transform your space while still receiving all the same, or more benefits. This class will cover the carbon and bill savings opportunities for: solar photovoltaics, energy storage, heat pump water and space heating, transportation electrification, and electric food service technology including induction cooking. The workshop will discuss the steps to prepare for the transformation of your building to a clean, efficient, all-electric building that is embracing the clean energy economy.
Instructor Information: Scott Blunk
Scott is a Strategic Planner of Electrification and Energy Efficiency where he creates utility wide electrification strategies. He is an Adjunct Professor of Building Science at Cosumnes River College where he has taught courses on the energy codes and mechanical codes, energy auditing and energy modeling.
Scott received a BS in Mechanical Engineering from Purdue University and an MBA from Marquette University. Scott has worked in the field of green building and energy efficiency for 20 years in many different rolls including: building contractor, energy consultant, new construction residential program administrator, existing building program manager, mechanical engineer, energy rater, trainer, and real estate broker.
Learning Outcomes:
At the conclusion of this class participants will be able to:
- Understand the roll of solar electric and batteries building operation
- Learn the basics of how heat pumps and induction operate
- Understanding creating resiliency in your building during the transformation
- Appreciate the benefits of electric vehicles at your building
- Find out the relative carbon benefits of each technology involved in the transition
Target Audience:
- General Audience
- Homeowners
- Residential Installers
- Designers
Learning Units:
- N/A
Learning Level:
Basic Class: Content is introductory in nature and requires no prerequisite knowledge or experience to grasp the concepts or participate in exercises. Basic educational activities and materials are meant to establish a foundation of knowledge and competence that will be expanded upon in practice or in higher level seminars and workshops.
Special Instructions:
This is a Webinar class and internet access is required. Customers will receive a link the Friday prior to the event.