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BPA: National Home Performance Conference & Trade Show

Hyatt Regency Seattle 808 Howell Street, Seattle

April 17-20, 2023 in Seattle, Washington Education | Networking | Insights | Innovation Our annual conference, now in its 37th year, brings together thousands of contractors, weatherization professionals, trainers, program administrators, energy auditors, and others working in residential energy efficiency for the latest industry education. Walk away with the latest trends, newest techniques, key insights, and actionable items you can apply to your job right away. The National Conference is the premier industry experience for anyone in home and building performance—don’t miss

Improving Home Indoor Air Quality and Best Practices for Kitchen Ventilation – NOW ALSO ONLINE

Steve Easley uses real world pictures and graphics to sort through the myriad of system choices to help you design and select the most cost-effective system to meet code and beyond. This class explains why properly ventilated, well-insulated, tighter, homes have better indoor air quality (IAQ) and fewer moisture problems, perform better, last longer and are healthier to live in than the typically insulated, “accidentally ventilated” home.