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Introduction to Heat Pumps – Part 1 (Webinar)


Course Description: This is part 1 of a 2 part class. Heat Pumps are the most efficient method to not only heat and cool spaces, but to provide domestic water heating in both multifamily and commercial applications. This course explores the composition, operation, and application of heat pumps in building settings. Specifically, this course examines the evolution and versatility of heat pump technology in comfort heating/cooling and domestic hot water applications, successful implementation examples, and essential lessons learned. Furthermore, learners

Managing Multicultural Teams


Understand how cultural differences within your team can affect their needs and impact the bottom line! At this seminar you’ll learn how to adapt your managerial style to the needs of your diverse group. Discover how to communicate, motivate, and manage conflict across cultural boundaries. Get proven techniques to help you function as a true team so that your differences are opportunities for increased creativity and productivity. This course is a don’t-miss for managers that oversee employees of diverse cultural

IHACI – Electrical Module Part 4 (Virtual)


This four-part series provides practical fundamentals and theory behind basic electricity, as well as knowledge of electrical symbols, components, wiring diagrams, electronics, and electrical systems. Get the comprehensive skill sets you need to properly install, commission, maintain, service and diagnose electrical systems. Learn how to verify when electrical systems are safe, reliable, and operate at the correct settings for the highest energy efficiency possible. Part 4 - Electrical Schematics: A Roadmap to Diagnosing an HVAC/R System: Review of information in