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Installing Individual Heat Pump Water Heaters


Course Overview There are several design considerations for individual heat pump water heaters. In addition, heat pump water heaters can be an effective strategy to reduce grid peak loads. This course will provide an overview of heat pump water heaters and associated code requirements. The course will take a deep dive into design considerations discussing sizing, venting configurations, load shifting, and installation best practices. This course draws from experience of working through hundreds of heat pump water heater retrofits with

Electric Heat Pumps for Space Heating and Cooling


Course description As our electricity supply becomes cleaner due to increased use of renewable's for generation along with a growing number of local ordinances prohibiting installs in new homes, electricity becomes an attractive fuel source to designers and builders interested in reducing residential greenhouse gas emissions and creating zero net energy buildings. Dan Perunko of Balance Point Home Performance will present on efficiency gains and emissions reductions from electric heat pumps in new and existing buildings and will cover the

Avoiding Main Panel Upgrades – Part 2: Advanced Solutions & Technologies to Maximize Panel Capacity


Description: This is part 2 of a 2 part class. With increasing demand for electrification, strategically avoiding main panel upgrades offers significant advantages. This class covers innovative solutions to maximize panel capacity including 120-volt appliances, smart panels, load management systems and power control technologies. Participants will learn how to calculate and manage back-feed from solar and storage systems and the use of digital solutions to safely extend the capabilities of their existing electrical infrastructure. Learning Outcomes: As a result of