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Virtual Selling Mini-Boot Camp

Selling Energy’s new Virtual Selling Mini-Boot Camp is optimized for busy energy professionals. This sponsored training package consists of: two half-day live/online webinars; access to the webinar recordings for a full year; free access to Segment Guides™; and, ongoing live/virtual coaching with instructor Mark Jewell, an award-winning sales trainer and Wall Street Journal bestselling author with 30 years of experience selling energy projects. Join us for the encore of the Virtual Selling Mini-Boot Camp on September 15 and 22, from

Upgrading to an All-Electric Home: A Residential Case Study

In 2019, Wei-Tai Kwok wondered how hard it would be to get rid of all his gas appliances and upgrade to an all-electric, zero-emission home. He thought it would be difficult and time consuming to change out his gas furnace, gas water heater, gas fireplace and gas cooktop. It turns out that he was wrong and it took him just 45 days. Come join Wei-Tai for a virtual tour of his suburban home, where he will share his experiences, strategies