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Decarbonizing the Built Environment P2

Part 2 Embodied Carbon and Zero Carbon Operations This session will focus on both embodied carbon and operational carbon. We'll talk about leveraging whole building lifecycle assessment (LCA) to achieve meaningful embodied carbon reductions. We'll also focus on methodologies to more accurately predict operational greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and using expertise in energy efficiency design alongside new hourly GHG emissions data to take projects beyond net zero energy.

Multifamily Electrification 101

Building electrification is advancing quickly with over 40 California jurisdictions adopting reach codes to advance electrification, which is critical to meet our local and state goals. In this class, we will discuss the benefits of electrification and the current policy and code considerations, provide an overview of what should be considered in an all-electric multifamily project (both new and retrofit), and explore technologies for electrification for all end uses, as well as the role of solar PV and electric vehicles.