Homeowner looking for a Contractor? Check out the Clean Energy Connection

Charles (Charley) Cormany

Executive Director

EFCA Board & Staff Charles Cormany

Mr. Cormany is the Executive Director of Efficiency First California (EFCA). His experience includes over ten years as a Home Performance contractor for three companies, including his own. Having been involved in hundreds of residential energy efficiency retrofit projects, he provides a “boots on the ground” perspective to policy and program design efforts. He is versed in residential energy efficiency diagnostics, HVAC system design, sales, marketing, and business development.

He manages a dedicated team of professionals, providing membership support and advocating for clean energy contractors in California. Together they have created the Clean Energy Connection, a free-to-use online contractor directory tool that connects homeowners to our verified contractor base.

EFCA also provides contractor support services for utilities and is the program administrator for the Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) residential rebate programs.

Mr. Cormany enjoys the educator role and regularly shares information via blog posts and informational meetings with contractors. For more information, visit the Efficiency First California website.