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Gabe Lieb

Director of Strategy

EFCA Staff Gabe Lieb

Gabe is the Director of Strategy for Efficiency First California. His primary focus is overseeing the SMUD Contractor Network and SMUD’s residential gas-to-electric conversions rebate programs. His duties include program design, reporting, strategy, and managing the contractor support and quality control teams.

Besides his day-to-day duties managing the SMUD programs, Gabe also helps with the overall strategy in EFCA’s other ventures: Clean Energy Connection, the EFCA trade group, and Business Development.

Gabe started working in the Home Performance and residential energy efficiency industry and CleanTech after receiving his MBA with an Emphasis in Sustainable Business from San Francisco State in 2012. Prior to his master’s, he worked for many years in marketing and production design in the natural food and media industries.