Course: Residential Heat Pump Installation & Commissioning for Installers, Raters & Commissioning Agents P2
Transitioning residential and commercial heating and cooling systems from gas to electric is a key component in California’s plan to reduce emissions of global warming gasses. You, the field staff in the HVAC trades will be installing more and more heat pumps as electrification efforts continue to ramp up. It turns out that there are large variations in the operating efficiency of heat pumps that result from our installation and commissioning practices. This class will focus on installation practices, troubleshooting and commissioning steps that effect final installed efficiency. We will look at airflow, line set plumbing, refrigerant leak prevention, location and repair, heat pump controls and control settings. Both legacy systems and mini split systems will be covered. The course will be presented in two, three-hour parts.
This webinar is courtesy of Pacific Gas & Electric.
Course Highlights:
- What are common service call complaints for heat pumps
- How to measure power, static pressure, duct temperature, airflow
- How to interpret power, static, temperature and airflow measurements
- The roll of electric resistance heat
- Electric resistance heat sizing
- When is electric resistance heat not needed?
- Cold blow and fan operation curves
Course Objectives:
- Describe measurement techniques for airflow, power, and pressure
- Be made aware of the role of electric resistance heat and the cost of its operation
- Describe control strategies they can implement on new and existing systems to manage electric resistance backup heat
- Review the parts of the defrost system
- Describe typical defrost system repairs
- Review troubleshooting procedures for relays, circuit boards, capacitors and motors
Learning Level: Intermediate
Dan Perunko is cofounder of Balance Point Home Performance Company. In 2006, along with Gavin Healy, Dan started a successful company providing full-service home performance analysis, retrofits, consultations, and trainings. Dan works on new and existing construction designs and hands on installations of enclosures, mechanical, plumbing, and indoor air quality components based on tested performance outcomes. Dan especially enjoys improving existing homes to provide homeowners with levels of comfort and energy consumption that they have not believed possible. Dan brings his experience in construction, design and building analysis, to make his class materials relevant, useful and understandable regardless of the attendees’ level of experience.