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Energy Codes are Getting Complicated! It’s time for a simpler approach


In the 2006 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC), the primary residential provisions of the code (Chapter 4) consisted of four pages. That same chapter in the 2021 IECC is 21 pages long! Mandatory, prescriptive, performance, energy rating index, additional efficiency packages and UA trade-offs all combine to make IECC compliance complicated. Prescriptive compliance is increasingly more expensive and complicated to use, and the performance compliance option doesn’t allow consideration for high efficiency equipment. The energy rating index path provides a

What to Know Before Adding Heat Pump Installation to Your Service Mix


More and more envelope-focused home contractors are expanding their offerings beyond insulation and into mechanical services—primarily heat pump installation. Is this the right pathway for your business and your market? And if so, how can you make the transition a success? This Goldstar Webinar is hosted by Peter Troast, founder and CEO of Energy Circle, a marketing company exclusively for high performance contractors and the organizations that support them. During this presentation, he’ll review the many logistical, investment, staffing, and