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Introduction to Heat Pump Water Heater Education 2023 ONLINE TRAININGS PRESENTED BY TECH CLEAN CALIFORNIA & ESMAC

Join TECH Clean California and ENERGY STAR® HPWH Manufacturer Action Council for a live webinar session focused on HPWH technology features and benefits, appropriate applications, energy efficiency comparison to other water heater types, installation techniques and best practices, service support and warranty, proper maintenance, troubleshooting, and selling strategies.For more info and to register.

Heat Pumps in Retrofit Construction – Space Conditioning and Water Heating

Heat Pumps have a compelling value proposition and set of features that are key in achieving California’s goals for building decarbonization. In this class, participants will learn about the value and benefits of HVAC Heat Pumps and Heat Pump Water Heaters. This class will present research on the economics of heat pumps and update the industry on today’s heat pump technology.For mopre info and to register.

The Ask Sean Show

Ask Sean how to live better, electrically. For more info and to register.

Understanding Heat Pumps

Heat Pump technologies have evolved greatly in efficiency, durability and popularity in recent years. In this class you will learn how heat pumps work to heat and cool homes as well as domestic water heating. This class will detail proper design and installation as well as the common mistakes that lead to poor performance, call backs and high bills. This class will explain how heat pump efficiency is measured and how to select heat pumps for performance and comfort. If

Multifamily Electrification 101

Building electrification is advancing quickly with over 40 California jurisdictions adopting reach codes to advance electrification, which is critical to meet our local and state goals. In this class, we will discuss the benefits of electrification and the current policy and code considerations, provide an overview of what should be considered in an all-electric multifamily project (both new and retrofit), and explore technologies for electrification for all end uses, as well as the role of solar PV and electric vehicles.

Passive House Series: Passive House Case Studies and Examples

This class will look at specific building examples, covering a broad spectrum of building types and architectural styles in multiple climate zones. We’ll review details to understand the building science behind each project. Attendees will leave with a clear understanding of the broad applicability of Passive House for all building types and climates. New & retrofit, Historic restoration, Commercial & complicated.

Commissioning Heat Pump Systems: The All Electric Building – Part 5 of 5

Part 5 of 5 - April 21, 2023 (8:30am - 12:30pm) This training series will focus on the design, commissioning and operational issues associated with heat pumps and heat pump systems with a focus on how this type of equipment can facilitate electrification of buildings and building systems. The content will be divided into five half-day sessions. Each session will stand alone, but the different training modules will also be inter-related. Ideally people interested in using heat pumps as part