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IHACI – System Diagnostics Module Part 1 & 2 (Virtual)


This four-part webinar starts with the fundamentals and theory behind the residential and light commercial diagnostic process and covers all aspects of the HVAC system including the mechanical, electrical, refrigeration, air distribution, gas, venting, condensate, indoor air quality and whole house concept sections. This seminar will equip participants with the broad skill sets required to properly obtain, record, evaluate, analyze, identify and eliminate all operating problems reported and revealed through the diagnostic process and concludes by verifying that the HVAC

IHACI – System Diagnostics Module Part 3 & 4 (Virtual)


This four-part webinar starts with the fundamentals and theory behind the residential and light commercial diagnostic process and covers all aspects of the HVAC system including the mechanical, electrical, refrigeration, air distribution, gas, venting, condensate, indoor air quality and whole house concept sections. This seminar will equip participants with the broad skill sets required to properly obtain, record, evaluate, analyze, identify and eliminate all operating problems reported and revealed through the diagnostic process and concludes by verifying that the HVAC

CA New 2025, Title – 24 Codes & Standards – Residential (Virtual)


Attend this webinar to learn how the latest version of the Standards will affect building design in your Residential and Non- Residential  construction projects.   Course Description:  The 2025 Title 24 Building Energy Code is more stringent than prior versions as California tackles climate change. The new standards are intended to reduce peak energy consumption and slow the growth in demand for electricity , natural gas as well as reduce emissions in California. Martyn Dodd will summarize the new and revised

Boiler Basics for Energy Efficiency


This safety & operation efficiency seminar compliments our "Boiler Water Treatment for Energy Efficiency" seminar. Owners and operators of boilers will receive an explanation of boiler controls, interlock safeties and combustion air requirements. They will also be presented with techniques which may help improve boiler and distribution system operation as well as increased efficiency. Air quality and boiler operation guidelines will also be discussed. Paul Howland has over 50 years of experience in Boiler & HVAC systems operation and maintenance.