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Improving Home Indoor Air Quality and Best Practices for Kitchen Ventilation – NOW ALSO ONLINE

Steve Easley uses real world pictures and graphics to sort through the myriad of system choices to help you design and select the most cost-effective system to meet code and beyond. This class explains why properly ventilated, well-insulated, tighter, homes have better indoor air quality (IAQ) and fewer moisture problems, perform better, last longer and are healthier to live in than the typically insulated, “accidentally ventilated” home.

Multifamily Electrification 101

Building electrification is advancing quickly with over 40 California jurisdictions adopting reach codes to advance electrification, which is critical to meet our local and state goals. In this class, we will discuss the benefits of electrification and the current policy and code considerations, provide an overview of what should be considered in an all-electric multifamily project (both new and retrofit), and explore technologies for electrification for all end uses, as well as the role of solar PV and electric vehicles.

Passive House Series: Passive House Case Studies and Examples

This class will look at specific building examples, covering a broad spectrum of building types and architectural styles in multiple climate zones. We’ll review details to understand the building science behind each project. Attendees will leave with a clear understanding of the broad applicability of Passive House for all building types and climates. New & retrofit, Historic restoration, Commercial & complicated.

Residential HVAC System Performance & Electrification

NCI Anaheim 2050 S. Santa Cruz St., Suite 1000,, Anaheim, CA, United States

Learn to apply ASHRAE 221-compliant testing to heat pump systems and qualify for Enhanced TECH Incentives. This National Comfort Institute training package includes a two-day advanced certification in Residential System Performance and a special half-day training focused on applying your knowledge and skills to residential HVAC electrification. This training program provides the keys to delivering true system performance with real-world lessons and hands-on training. Open to contractors and technicians in the state of California who are enrolled in TECH Clean

Optimizing Residential Forced-Air HVAC Systems: Efficiency Comfort and Low Loss Duct Systems

Improved design, installation and commissioning practices lead to a dramatic improvement in building energy consumption, indoor air quality, and comfort. There are six performance factors that can be applied to HVAC design, installation and/or commissioning. In the Optimizing Residential Forced-Air series, we will review how each factor can be specified at design, implemented during installation, and tested/adjusted during commissioning. We will also look at how we can redesign our approach to high performance HVAC systems to support CA climate goals,

Passive House Series: Passive House in California

Our final class in this series will bring this home to cover the evolution of Passive House design here in California. We’ll review up to four specific projects located in Northern California, including a Sacramento project. Details for each project will be shared to gain an understanding for how this approach varies across our local climate zones, and how Passive House may be cost-effectively implemented in our region. Attendees will leave with a clear understanding of how the Passive House

How to Diagnose Heating and Cooling Comfort Problems in Homes – In-Person

SMUD Customer Service Center 6301 S St., Sacramento, CA, United States

Comfort problems can occur in homes even when the equipment appears to be working perfectly well. Most comfort problems are related to design issues and can be easily diagnosed using basic design principles and simple diagnostic tools. This class will cover the most common comfort complaints, the diagnostic tests, how to interpret the results and how to use industry standard design principles to suggest solutions. Learning objectives: Understanding the most common symptoms of comfort problems vs. equipment problems Understanding how

Home Electrification Product Overview

Homeowners around the world are beginning to embrace electrification (the switch from gas-fired to electric-powered appliances). In this webinar, EMH will introduce and provide an overview of home electrification products to aid in the transition away from gas. This includes at least two electric options for each common gas appliance (e.g., HVAC, water heating, cooking, clothes drying, and fireplaces) as well as advanced electrical products that solve challenging load capacity issues. Learning Objectives: Name at least two electric options for