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ir Sealing New, Retro and Passive Buildings

January 22, 2025

Designing and constructing airtight houses and buildings allows for projects that need less heating and cooling. As a result, it is less costly to attain zero carbon as proper air sealing saves energy and results in smaller mechanical equipment. Achieving super airtight assemblies is about the correct mind set as well as proper protocol and materials. This class will allow you to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to achieve your project’s air sealing goals. Terry Nordbye will demonstrate step by step procedures and materials to air seal a new construction house, including Passive House, to virtually any airtightness and achieve deep reductions in retrofit work. You will be shown all steps from planning to construction and learn why, where, and when to air seal.

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January 22
9:00 am - 11:30 am PST
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Pacific Gas & Electric