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Improving Home Indoor Air Quality and Best Practices for Kitchen Ventilation – NOW ALSO ONLINE

Steve Easley uses real world pictures and graphics to sort through the myriad of system choices to help you design and select the most cost-effective system to meet code and beyond. This class explains why properly ventilated, well-insulated, tighter, homes have better indoor air quality (IAQ) and fewer moisture problems, perform better, last longer and are healthier to live in than the typically insulated, “accidentally ventilated” home.

How to Design and Build High-Performance Walls

California’s 2022 Title 24 Residential Energy Code all but requires high-performance walls with exterior insulation while higher-performance home designs, like Passive House, requires continuous exterior insulation. This class examines how to design and build high-performance wall assemblies that deliver energy efficiency, reduce space conditioning loads, and do not lead to water or moisture failures. Presenter Steve Easley will delve into the best installation practices for air barrier/sealing to meet and exceed building codes.

Passive House Series: Passive House Case Studies and Examples

This class will look at specific building examples, covering a broad spectrum of building types and architectural styles in multiple climate zones. We’ll review details to understand the building science behind each project. Attendees will leave with a clear understanding of the broad applicability of Passive House for all building types and climates. New & retrofit, Historic restoration, Commercial & complicated.