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Financials of Solar & Storage (Battery)


Evaluating the financials of solar projects with and without battery storage can be complex. This class will give attendees the ability to evaluate solar decisions for their own projects with the same financial metrics used in business. We will make use of PG&E’s WattPlan Solar Calculator tool to calculate utility costs with various inputs such as usage of the house, solar system size, battery size, and rate plan. We will use scenarios such as EV charging and all-electric home remodels

ir Sealing New, Retro and Passive Buildings


Designing and constructing airtight houses and buildings allows for projects that need less heating and cooling. As a result, it is less costly to attain zero carbon as proper air sealing saves energy and results in smaller mechanical equipment. Achieving super airtight assemblies is about the correct mind set as well as proper protocol and materials. This class will allow you to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to achieve your project's air sealing goals. Terry Nordbye will demonstrate step

Air Sealing and Insulating Existing Homes: Interpreting and Prioritizing Infrared and Blower Door Results (Part 1 of 3)


Course description Part 1 of 3 - February 12, 2025 (9am - 11am) Testing your work is imperative to meet or exceed performance targets and to ensure a feedback loop is in place for continual process improvements. Instructor Dan Perunko of Balance Point Home Performance will highlight two key home performance diagnostic tools, the blower door and infrared camera. The two hour session unpacks important testing metrics and ways to address opportunities that have positive interactive effects on the home's

Air Sealing and Insulating Existing Homes: Addressing Common Hazards During Energy Upgrades (Part 2 of 3)


Part 2 of 3 - February 19, 2025 (9am - 11am) Upgrading the thermal and air leakage performance of existing homes exposes a variety of hazards that many professionals either do not know how to address or how to communicate the importance of the issue to the customer. Estimators and installers, including DIY homeowners, take on additional liability when they fail to identify and remediate existing hazards during upgrade projects. In this two-hour class, instructor Dan Perunko of Balance Point

Air Sealing and Insulating Existing Homes: Developing a Work Scope for Attic Efficiency Upgrades (Part 3 of 3)


Part 3 of 3 - February 26, 2025 (9am - 11am) Effective work scopes help contractors and customers achieve specific performance goals in a home’s attic efficiency upgrade. Developing a comprehensive, goal-oriented work scope can help contractors sell more jobs, differentiate their work from other contractors bidding on the job, and enables customers to prioritize their home upgrades within their budget, allowing for the possibility of future improvements. In this session, Dan Perunko of Balance Point Home Performance will draw