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Effective Coaching and Mentoring


Coaching and mentoring staff are two important ways to retain top talent and build a leadership pipeline. But many people don’t even know that they are two different things! Coaching focuses on enhancing current job performance. Mentorships are supportive relationships that can reduce and reframe personal, structural and cultural barriers that hold emerging leaders back from achieving their full potential. Both are important. Why should you make time to coach and mentor employees? Not only will it empower your staff

What to Know Before Adding Heat Pump Installation to Your Service Mix


More and more envelope-focused home contractors are expanding their offerings beyond insulation and into mechanical services—primarily heat pump installation. Is this the right pathway for your business and your market? And if so, how can you make the transition a success? This Goldstar Webinar is hosted by Peter Troast, founder and CEO of Energy Circle, a marketing company exclusively for high performance contractors and the organizations that support them. During this presentation, he’ll review the many logistical, investment, staffing, and

The Emotionally Intelligent Manager


To manage effectively, you must engage your emotional intelligence as much as your mind.  Our employees and colleagues are whole people, not just brains! We must approach them the same way, with both our brain and our gut, or emotions. If you’d like to understand why people don’t always behave the way you expect, and learn to elicit the responses and behaviors you want, join the next GoldStar Webinar by global business coach, Chris DeVany. Learning Objectives What is emotional

How to Recruit Employees and Students


Do you need to recruit students and employees into your home performance training program, business, or agency? Do you want more talented and skilled employees who are excited to join in your work?   This interactive webinar will introduce free new materials, strategies, and resources for recruitment into home performance and HVAC careers. The new resources were funded by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory’s Residential Workforce Program, and developed through market research reviews, advisory and pilot groups, and input from industry