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BDC Presents: Revalue.io

Experiences and lessons learned from early building electrification market and community development. Since 2015, Revalue.io has been preparing communities for the transition to clean energy through energy-saving building improvements (including insulation, heat pumps, etc.) and removing home health hazards such as lead, mold, pests, etc. Working with local, minority contractors and utility program administrators, Revalue.io provides a full-service custom “No Wrong Door” service for property owners, tenants, and local contractors to access resources such as rebates, grants, and other incentives

The Case for Practical Home Performance Electrification

The best outcomes for heat pumps and home electrification come through careful planning and incorporation of multiple facets of a building. Understanding the intersection of energy efficiency and performance is critical to ensuring comfort, low operational costs, and avoidance of major grid infrastructure upgrades. This webinar will focus on the interdependence of building systems and how addressing multiple components of a home through phased or integrated upgrades is optimal and easily achievable.

Residential Heat Pump Water Heater Technology – Sales and Installation Challenges Part 1

This course establishes a clear value proposition for residential heat pump water heater scenarios, while addressing key barriers to their adoption. It also provides targeted sales training to identify customers and opportunities for client-facing staff and stakeholders while delving into key installation considerations including space limitations, noise, condensate management, sizing, operational modes, and error codes.

Building Electrification Fundamentals 2 – An Overview of BE

Have Energy Efficiency (EE), Building Electrification (BE), Transportation Electrification (TE), and Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) got you feeling like you’re in over your head? If so, we look forward to you joining us for an Overview of Building Electrification! This class, the second in a BE series, being offered by the Energy Education Centers (EECs) will expand upon topics introduced in ‘Building Electrification and Me’. Taught by Kavita Rodrigues from the EECs, this class will provide attendees with an expanded

Residential Heat Pump Water Heater Technology – Sales and Installation Challenges Part 2

This course establishes a clear value proposition for residential heat pump water heater scenarios, while addressing key barriers to their adoption. It also provides targeted sales training to identify customers and opportunities for client-facing staff and stakeholders while delving into key installation considerations including space limitations, noise, condensate management, sizing, operational modes, and error codes.

TECH Webinar: Enabling Faster Heat Pump Installations Part 1

Join us for part one of our Quick Start Grant webinars and learn how new heat pump technologies can overcome barriers to heat pump adoption. These new technologies address issues using new quality assurance technologies while expanding remote workforce capabilities and assisting California in achieving its ambitious goals for heat pump installation. Our Quick Start Grant recipients — Institute of Heating and Air Conditioning Installers and Small Planet Supply — share their findings in Part 1 of our webinar series. Institute of Heating and Air Conditioning Installers (IHACI) will share how they

Assembling the Zero-Carbon Home

Zero-carbon homes are on the fast track to mitigate climate change. Using less energy for space conditioning and hot water production throughout the year than conventional duel-fuel systems, zero-carbon homes are more thermally comfortable than traditional buildings. Zero-carbon homes are not very different than what we are building today. In this class we will learn the jargon, building materials, and the technical expectations needed to retrofit or new-build an energy efficient and thermally comfortable zero-carbon home. We will also learn

TECH Webinar: Enabling Quicker Heat Pump Installations Part 2

Our Quick Start Grant recipients — Barnett Plumbing and New Buildings Institute — share their findings in Part 2 of our webinar series. Barnett Plumbing will share how they overcame barriers to heat pump adoption with their gas loaner program, delivering the immediate need for hot water with a temporary gas loaner water heater until the right electrical work could be completed in the home to install a heat pump water heater. Visit our website to learn more about the Barnett Plumbing Quick

Commercial Heat Pump Water Heaters for Multi-Family Settings

This course provides a foundation for implementing commercial heat pump water heaters in multifamily settings. In addition to discussing the codes and policies pushing the implementation of this technology, this course also explores different commercial system configurations, system components, equipment sizing, and available products. It explores case studies of successful system implementations as well as lessons learned from the field.

Electrification of the Built Environment Part 1

This class presents an overview of building electrification in residential and commercial settings. Attendees will explore various avenues that work toward electrification goals including heat pumps, heat pump water heaters, and electrification. Challenges to electrification and ways to overcome them will also be examined.

Electrification of the Built Environment Part 2

This class presents an overview of building electrification in residential and commercial settings. Attendees will explore various avenues that work toward electrification goals including heat pumps, heat pump water heaters, and electrification. Challenges to electrification and ways to overcome them will also be examined.

TECH & ESMAC Heat Pump Water Heater Education

Manufacturers Heat Pump Water Heating (HPWH) Education session focused on technology features and benefits, appropriate applications, energy efficiency compared to other water heater types, installation techniques, and best practices, service support and warranty, proper maintenance, troubleshooting, and selling strategies.