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SGIP HPWH Handbook Workshop

During this public workshop, the Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) heat pump water heater (HPWH) Program team will provide an overview of the Program design and rules as detailed in the SGIP HPWH Handbook and gather feedback. A substantial portion of the meeting time will be devoted to audience Q&A.

Climate Smart Webinar: Single-Family Home Electrification

Presented by EFCA Treasurer Sean Armstrong of Redwood Energy: The City of San José, in partnership with Redwood Energy, is holding a series of webinars to educate residents, contractors, developers, property owners and managers on a variety of electrification topics. This is Webinar 4: Single-Family Home Electrification. Come learn about how to electrify homes at every scale, from mobile homes to mansions, from cozy ADUs and humble cottages. Every type of heating system, water heater, stove, laundry dryer, swimming pool,

Overcoming Roadblocks to Residential Electrification

Globally, the scientific community agrees that we must reduce carbon emissions to significantly reduce the impact of global warming. In the US, buildings account for 40% of carbon emissions. In this class, Steve Easley focuses on the top roadblocks and solutions for a timelier transition to decarbonization and electrification. For wide scale electrification to happen in a timely manner it will have to happen from the customer side of the meter. This class will address how best to make this

Introduction to Variable Capacity Heat Pumps, Improved Comfort and Energy Efficiency

This content offers an introduction to variable capacity heat pumps (VCHP) for contractors who are not yet familiar with this type of HVAC equipment. It begins by defining the type and continues by describing the intended benefits of VCHPs compared to earlier models of heat pumps. Participants take away important knowledge about VCHPs as well as an understanding of where to take their HVAC learning next. They will learn a simple classification strategy to help select the type of VCHP

Introduction to Heat Pump Water Heater Education 2023 ONLINE TRAININGS PRESENTED BY TECH CLEAN CALIFORNIA & ESMAC

Join TECH Clean California and ENERGY STAR® HPWH Manufacturer Action Council for a live webinar session focused on HPWH technology features and benefits, appropriate applications, energy efficiency comparison to other water heater types, installation techniques and best practices, service support and warranty, proper maintenance, troubleshooting, and selling strategies.For more info and to register.

Climate Smart Webinar: Home Electrification Service Upgrades

Presented by EFCA Treasurer Sean Armstrong of Redwood Energy: The City of San José, in partnership with Redwood Energy, is holding a series of webinars to educate residents, contractors, developers, property owners and managers on a variety of electrification topics. This is Webinar 5: Home Electrification Service Upgrades. Home electrification can sometimes trigger an electric utility service upgrade, which can cost $2,500 - $30,000 and take 2 - 18 months to complete. Come learn what types of properties may need

Cost-Effective Approaches for Energy Efficient Remodels

There are 82 million detached single-family homes in the US, and according to the US Energy Information Administration, there are 6.8 million in California. The average cost of energy in US households is about $2,060 per year according to Energy Star with nearly half of that money going to heating and cooling. The average home also adds 7.5 tons of greenhouse gasses each year. Steve Easley will draw upon his building science consulting experience to illustrate the most cost-effective, best

Introduction to Heat Pump Water Heater Education 2023 ONLINE TRAININGS PRESENTED BY TECH CLEAN CALIFORNIA & ESMAC

Join TECH Clean California and ENERGY STAR® HPWH Manufacturer Action Council for a live webinar session focused on HPWH technology features and benefits, appropriate applications, energy efficiency comparison to other water heater types, installation techniques and best practices, service support and warranty, proper maintenance, troubleshooting, and selling strategies. For more info and to register.

The Ask Sean Show: Electrify Your Home!

Bring your own electrification questions and Ask Sean how to electrify your home! We have teamed up with Sean Armstrong of Redwood Energy, so we can all learn more about how affordable and doable it is to electrify your home. We will share “how to” case studies, electrification tips including solar, rebate info, eco-friendly ideas for a healthier home, and answer to questions on how to get started! Register at: bit.ly/TheAskSeanShow

ACEEE: 2023 Industry Summer Study

MGM Grand Hotel 1777 Third St., Detroit, MI, United States

THEME: DECARBONIZATION – TURNING GOALS INTO ACHIEVABLE ACTION PLANS The industrial sector accounts for a large portion—more than 25%—of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions. Decarbonizing industry will be critical not only for meeting our climate goals but also for boosting U.S. competitiveness and jobs. Momentum is building: the ambitious decarbonization goals set by the Biden administration have helped spur the manufacturing sector to begin seriously exploring how to reduce its emissions. Multiple industry associations and the Department of Energy have

Practical Guide to All-Electric Residential Buildings (Irvine City Hall)

THIS IS AN IN-PERSON CLASS AT IRVINE CITY HALL. The case for building All-Electric is stronger than ever.  All-Electric homes are cheaper to build and operate, healthier and more comfortable to live in, and have GHG emissions roughly half that of mixed fuel homes.  The 2022 California energy code will accelerate adoption of All-Electric building and this class will show why electric homes facilitate easier energy code compliance.  Taught by instructors who have built all-electric homes for themselves and are experts

Building Electrification Fundamentals 1 – BE & Me

Have you ever wondered how electric technologies may impact you, your home, or your workplace? Or wondered what impacts they may have on your energy consumption, costs, or even the environment? If so, you are not alone and you won’t want to miss out on this class. This class, taught by Robert Hagstrom from SCEs Engineering team, will lightly cover a variety of topics related to Climate and Sustainability Goals, the value of electric technologies, and how to make sure