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Air Sealing and Insulating Existing Homes: Developing a Work Scope for Attic Efficiency Upgrades


Effective work scopes help contractors and customers achieve specific performance goals in a home’s attic efficiency upgrade. Developing a comprehensive, goal-oriented work scope can help contractors sell more jobs, differentiate their work from other contractors bidding on the job, and enables customers to prioritize their home upgrades within their budget, allowing for the possibility of future improvements. In this session, Dan Perunko of Balance Point Home Performance will draw upon his contractor experience to discuss how he approaches attic efficiency

Introduction to Passive House Trades


The Introduction to Passive House Trades course will broadly cover the following topics: Passive House (PH) basics, review typical construction types, windows and installation, air barriers and insulation and new, innovative PH products. It is crucial when working on Passive House buildings to properly install components, understand how to correctly implement design details and assess and plan for the current and future performance of the building. It can also help prepare those interested in the Certified Passive House Tradesperson training.

Retrofitting Homes for Electrification and Decarbonization


From alignment with California’s decarbonization goals and local ordinances prohibiting new gas installs, Dan Perunko of Balance Point Home Performance will outline the necessary steps to electrify an existing single-family home and how to manage whole house strategies for successful electrification retrofits. Case studies demonstrating successful electrification projects will highlight the opportunities to overcome challenges presented by existing infrastructure and planning for backup power during PSPS events.

Electric Heat Pumps for Space Heating and Cooling


As our electricity supply becomes cleaner, due to an increased use of renewables for generation and a growing number of local ordinances prohibiting gas installs in new homes, electricity becomes an attractive fuel source to designers and builders interested in reducing residential greenhouse gas emissions and creating zero carbon homes. Dan Perunko of Balance Point Home Performance will present on efficiency gains, and overcoming common installation pitfalls from electric heat pump water heaters in new and existing buildings. Class discussion

Electric Heat Pumps for Water Heating


As our electricity supply becomes cleaner, due to an increased use of renewables for generation and a growing number of local ordinances prohibiting gas installs in new homes, electricity becomes an attractive fuel source to designers and builders interested in reducing residential greenhouse gas emissions and creating zero carbon homes. Dan Perunko of Balance Point Home Performance will present on efficiency gains, and overcoming common installation pitfalls from electric heat pump water heaters in new and existing buildings. Class discussion

Mechanical Rooms: Strategies for Electrification Retrofits in Homes


For as long as we’ve built homes, we’ve been using some kind combustion appliance system to heat them. As a result, our buildings are designed and constructed to safely manage the operation of gas appliances. In this webinar, Dan Perunko of Balance Point Home Performance will look at mechanical rooms as we transition from gas appliances to electric appliances. There is an opportunity for contractors and designers to offer their clients additional efficiencies beyond those offered by the change to

Optimizing Residential Forced-Air HVAC Systems: Efficiency, Comfort and Low Loss Duct Systems


Improved design, installation and commissioning practices lead to a dramatic improvement in building energy consumption, indoor air quality, and comfort. There are six performance factors that can be applied to HVAC design, installation and/or commissioning. In the Optimizing Residential Forced-Air series, we will review how each factor can be specified at design, implemented during installation, and tested/adjusted during commissioning. We will also look at how we can redesign our approach to high performance HVAC systems to support CA climate goals,

Residential Electrification and Decarbonization with the Passive House Standard


The Passive House Standard encourages all-electric building design and construction in homes and buildings, which can help achieve the widescale decarbonization required for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The Passive House Network will demonstrate how Passive House principles align with the California’s decarbonization goals. This session will cover the technology options for all-electric homes and outline the many reasons to electrify with the Passive House Standard for better health, comfort, and cost benefits.

Heat Pump Water Heater: Installation, Decision Guidance, and Load Shifting


Presented by Nick Brown and Gary Klein, this webinar will look at the best practices for installing a heat pump water in residential homes. This course will help plumbers, builders, architects, homeowners, and home energy consultants understand what is different about heat pump water heaters from the water heaters they are more familiar with, so that installations get done correctly. We'll provide a quick recap of heat pump water heater basics and then explore the retrofit process, beginning from site

Commissioning Heat Pump Systems: Fundamentals and System Types


Part 1 of 5 - October 30, 2024 (9:30am - 1:30pm) This training series will focus on the design, commissioning and operational issues associated with heat pumps and heat pump systems with a focus on how this type of equipment can facilitate electrification of buildings and building systems. The content will be divided into five half-day sessions. Each session will stand alone, but the different training modules will also be interrelated. Ideally people interested in using heat pumps as part

Optimizing Residential Forced-Air HVAC Systems: Load Calculations, Equipment Selection, System Airflow and Layout


Improved design, installation and commissioning practices lead to a dramatic improvement in building energy consumption, indoor air quality, and comfort. There are six performance factors that can be applied to HVAC design, installation and/or commissioning. In the Optimizing Residential Forced-Air series, we will review how each factor can be specified at design, implemented during installation, and tested/adjusted during commissioning. We will also look at how we can redesign our approach to high performance HVAC systems to support California climate goals,

Building Electrification: Lessons from the Field (Part 1 of 2)


California is going through one of its most seismic shifts in building energy policy and design. The move towards full decarbonization of the building stock has started and the policy, technical and financial implications are being developed under our feet. We will share how heat pumps and other forms of electric heating can displace our long time carbon sources of heat. These systems are already available and many are cost effective today. Come discuss this shift and how it will