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Overcoming Roadblocks to Residential Electrification

Globally, the scientific community agrees that we must reduce carbon emissions to significantly reduce the impact of global warming. In the US, buildings account for 40% of carbon emissions. In this class, Steve Easley focuses on the top roadblocks and solutions for a timelier transition to decarbonization and electrification. For wide scale electrification to happen in a timely manner it will have to happen from the customer side of the meter. This class will address how best to make this

Good Electrification for Solar Contractors: New Business Opportunities

The residential energy market in California is quickly transforming towards electrification. This transformation presents an enormous business opportunity for solar contractors, especially in light of recent NEM policy changes. Electrification of home appliances (switching from gas to electric) is a perfect pairing with clean energy generated from solar. This webinar will teach you about best practices for “Good Electrification” and highlight opportunities for solar contractors to add new services to their repertoire. It will also arm you with the information

Decarbonizing the Built Environment P2

Part 2 Embodied Carbon and Zero Carbon Operations This session will focus on both embodied carbon and operational carbon. We'll talk about leveraging whole building lifecycle assessment (LCA) to achieve meaningful embodied carbon reductions. We'll also focus on methodologies to more accurately predict operational greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and using expertise in energy efficiency design alongside new hourly GHG emissions data to take projects beyond net zero energy.

BayREN & Energy Code Ace On-Line Training: Single-Family Standards – Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU)

This virtual course focuses on requirements in the 2022 Energy Code (Title 24, Part 6) for accessory dwelling units (ADU) in an event supported by Energy Code Ace and BayREN. We will discuss how to identify the ADU type and its impact on Energy Code requirements for envelope, mechanical, photovoltaics (PV), battery storage or battery ready and HERS measures. We will also review how the compliance metrics differ depending on ADU type, including the new EDR source energy metrics for

Introduction to Variable Capacity Heat Pumps, Improved Comfort and Energy Efficiency

This content offers an introduction to variable capacity heat pumps (VCHP) for contractors who are not yet familiar with this type of HVAC equipment. It begins by defining the type and continues by describing the intended benefits of VCHPs compared to earlier models of heat pumps. Participants take away important knowledge about VCHPs as well as an understanding of where to take their HVAC learning next. They will learn a simple classification strategy to help select the type of VCHP

Multifamily Electrification 101

Building electrification is advancing quickly with over 40 California jurisdictions adopting reach codes to advance electrification, which is critical to meet our local and state goals. In this class, we will discuss the benefits of electrification and the current policy and code considerations, provide an overview of what should be considered in an all-electric multifamily project (both new and retrofit), and explore technologies for electrification for all end uses, as well as the role of solar PV and electric vehicles.

Decarbonizing the Built Environment P3

Part 3 Mechanical Design Considerations for Low-Carbon Operations This session will focus on low-carbon, all-electric mechanical designs for multifamily residential and commercial buildings. More time will be dedicated to large commercial buildings and high-rise residential and their specific challenges. We'll look at basic principals of low-carbon mechanical design and through case studies we will learn about different design options, technologies and challenges specific to different building types. Domestic hot water will also be discussed but will not be the main

Introduction to Heat Pump Water Heater Education 2023 ONLINE TRAININGS PRESENTED BY TECH CLEAN CALIFORNIA & ESMAC

Join TECH Clean California and ENERGY STAR® HPWH Manufacturer Action Council for a live webinar session focused on HPWH technology features and benefits, appropriate applications, energy efficiency comparison to other water heater types, installation techniques and best practices, service support and warranty, proper maintenance, troubleshooting, and selling strategies.For more info and to register.

Climate Smart Webinar: Home Electrification Service Upgrades

Presented by EFCA Treasurer Sean Armstrong of Redwood Energy: The City of San José, in partnership with Redwood Energy, is holding a series of webinars to educate residents, contractors, developers, property owners and managers on a variety of electrification topics. This is Webinar 5: Home Electrification Service Upgrades. Home electrification can sometimes trigger an electric utility service upgrade, which can cost $2,500 - $30,000 and take 2 - 18 months to complete. Come learn what types of properties may need

Cost-Effective Approaches for Energy Efficient Remodels

There are 82 million detached single-family homes in the US, and according to the US Energy Information Administration, there are 6.8 million in California. The average cost of energy in US households is about $2,060 per year according to Energy Star with nearly half of that money going to heating and cooling. The average home also adds 7.5 tons of greenhouse gasses each year. Steve Easley will draw upon his building science consulting experience to illustrate the most cost-effective, best

The Grid: What is it and Should it Shape Policy for All-Electric Buildings?

Bay Area Metro Center 375 Beale St., San Francisco, CA, United States

Hybrid (Online and In-Person) Yerba Buena Room (Bay Area Metro Center) 375 Beale Street San Francisco, CA 94105 Questions about the electric grid’s capacity and reliability are coming up as local governments consider policies related to building energy use and electrification. Join us to explore these questions, starting with how the grid works. Speakers will also discuss California’s plans to ensure a reliable and affordable grid powered with renewable energy, the role of utilities, and how local governments are navigating

Inspecting Photovoltaic (PV) & Energy Storage Systems (ESS) for Code Compliance

In this advanced class, the instructors will cover all the issues pertaining to inspecting and permitting of photovoltaic grid-tied systems (PV) and energy storage systems (ESS) in commercial, industrial, small business, multifamily, and residential sectors. This workshop is designed for building inspectors, plan checkers, fire officials, PV installers, designers, engineers, and architects who wish to stay current on the latest code compliance issues to help facilitate safe and long-lasting PV systems. The primary focus is on the National Electrical Code