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events calendar

Introduction to the Energy Code


Event Description This course provides an overview of the California Energy Code, Title 24 Part 6, including the historic context, organization, resources and overall goals for this current code cycle. Serving as an optional refresher for code officials, architects and builders who will be participating in 2025 energy code classes, or as an introduction for those entering the building industry, this course will provide a strong foundation for design, permitting and compliance. Learning Objectives Understand what the Building Energy Efficiency

ir Sealing New, Retro and Passive Buildings


Designing and constructing airtight houses and buildings allows for projects that need less heating and cooling. As a result, it is less costly to attain zero carbon as proper air sealing saves energy and results in smaller mechanical equipment. Achieving super airtight assemblies is about the correct mind set as well as proper protocol and materials. This class will allow you to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to achieve your project's air sealing goals. Terry Nordbye will demonstrate step

Building Electrification Fundamentals 3 – Intro to BE Technologies


Course Description: The clean energy economy is upon us but what does that mean to you? Learn about the technologies utilized to turn your building into an efficient, clean and healthy space to live and work. This period of transition will utilize many different products and you will learn about how these technologies can transform your space while still receiving all the same, or more benefits. This class will cover the carbon and bill savings opportunities for: solar photovoltaics, energy storage,

Ventilation and HRV – Part 4: All-Electric Design and Construction Series


Event Description All-Electric Design & Construction Series On the path to Zero Net Carbon Design, building electrification is the key to reducing operational carbon. In this course, we’ll share the nuts and bolts of incorporating all-electric systems into residential and small commercial projects, including tips for implementation as well as client communication. We’ll provide straight-forward information on current systems and technologies plus a look ahead at what’s emerging in the market. Part 1: Carbon Reduction through Building Electrification will address

How the Energy Code Treats Electrification


This class will focus on the energy code and green building code while touching on other parts of the building code and as related to different electrification technologies.

Novel Heat Pump Applications for New Construction and Retrofits


Join us for a webinar in which we discuss groundbreaking ways to approach heat pumps that can significantly reduce the carbon footprint of retrofits and new construction. Traditional approaches, like Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) systems and 1-to-1 mini splits, have drawbacks like high embodied carbon, or face challenges with new refrigerant requirements, central system complexities, or space limitations with existing buildings. This webinar explores a series of novel heat pump solutions—large geothermal, window saddle units, packaged terminal heat pumps, and

Building Electrification Fundamentals 4 – Financial Costs and Benefits of the BE/FS Transition


Course Description: Interested in transforming your building to a clean, safe, and healthy all-electric structure but hesitant due to the cost? What are the costs to install and operate this equipment? Are there incentives available to aid in this transition? What are the benefits both financial and non-financial? Do you need a new electric panel? This workshop will address all those questions covering the general cost of equipment, how to think incrementally as you transition and the benefits of planning

Appliances and Energy Storage – Part 5: All-Electric Design and Construction Series


Event Description All-Electric Design & Construction Series On the path to Zero Net Carbon Design, building electrification is the key to reducing operational carbon. In this course, we’ll share the nuts and bolts of incorporating all-electric systems into residential and small commercial projects, including tips for implementation as well as client communication. We’ll provide straight-forward information on current systems and technologies plus a look ahead at what’s emerging in the market. Part 1: Carbon Reduction through Building Electrification will address

An Introduction to Electric Construction Equipment (Webinar)


Course Description: This class is an introduction to electric construction equipment. The goal is to inform contractors and policy makers about the wide range of available electric bulldozers, backhoes, bobcats, cranes, forklifts, solar+battery generators, jackhammers, pressure washers, work trucks and more. We will discuss the equipment’s practical features, costs, benefits and limitations. Instructor Information: Sean Armstrong Sean Armstrong was raised on a Wisconsin farm, has been part of seven farming businesses, co-owns a working ranch, and consults nationally on all-electric

Home Electrification Contractor Boot Camp

America’s Job Center Oxnard 2901 N. Ventura Road, Oxnard, California

Two-Day Course Description This two-day course provides a robust introduction into residential building electrification. It is designed for construction trade personnel of all levels; including owners, sales managers, salespeople, installers, service technicians, and office support staff (primarily Day 1 for support staff). A key distinction of this training is its design and delivery by Electrify My Home, a pioneering HVAC electrification company with real field experience navigating the ins and outs of this exciting new pathway. Learning Objectives in the

Air Sealing and Insulating Existing Homes: Interpreting and Prioritizing Infrared and Blower Door Results (Part 1 of 3)


Course description Part 1 of 3 - February 12, 2025 (9am - 11am) Testing your work is imperative to meet or exceed performance targets and to ensure a feedback loop is in place for continual process improvements. Instructor Dan Perunko of Balance Point Home Performance will highlight two key home performance diagnostic tools, the blower door and infrared camera. The two hour session unpacks important testing metrics and ways to address opportunities that have positive interactive effects on the home's

Air Sealing and Insulating Existing Homes: Addressing Common Hazards During Energy Upgrades (Part 2 of 3)


Part 2 of 3 - February 19, 2025 (9am - 11am) Upgrading the thermal and air leakage performance of existing homes exposes a variety of hazards that many professionals either do not know how to address or how to communicate the importance of the issue to the customer. Estimators and installers, including DIY homeowners, take on additional liability when they fail to identify and remediate existing hazards during upgrade projects. In this two-hour class, instructor Dan Perunko of Balance Point